List of Nursing Colleges & School of Midwifery in Zambia

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Full List of Nursing Colleges & School of Midwifery in Zambia & Programmes Offered (Public & Private)

See the most comprehensive list of accredited Nursing Colleges in Zambia which offers divers Certificate, Diploma, Degree and Graduate Courses.

Check below for the list of all the accredited Nursing Colleges in Zambia that is approved by Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE). The list contains Universities in Zambia, including Universities of Technology, higher education institutions, Universities of Agriculture and Universities of Education, and the courses offered by each of them.

See also : List of Universities in Zambia

List of Nursing Colleges & School of Midwifery in Zambia

This page is the most comprehensive Information database of Public and Private universities and colleges in Zambia, enabling your access to over 1,000 academic programs throughout  Zambia.
You can browse over our universities in Zambia by field of study, degree level, and location.

Read Also:  List of Nursing Colleges & School of Midwifery in Zambia

Which and how many Universities are located in Zambia? Zambiadmission tries to answer this question by publishing a comprehensive alphabetical list of 51 Zambian higher-education institutions meeting the following our selection criteria:

  • being chartered, licensed or accredited by the appropriate Zambian higher education-related organization
  • offering at least four-year undergraduate degrees (bachelor degrees) or postgraduate degrees (master or doctoral degrees)
  • delivering courses predominantly in a traditional, face-to-face, non-distance education format

Our aim is to provide a comprehensive listing, sorted by alphabetical order, of all Zambian Universities, Colleges and other higher-education institutions.

See also: List of Colleges in Zambia

Comprehensive List of Nursing Colleges & School of Midwifery in Zambia

Here is the list of Nursing Colleges in Zambia

Read Also:  List of Colleges in Zambia & Courses Offered (Public & Private)

Livingstone School of Nursing
Mansa School of Nursing
Kasama School of Nursing
Chipata School of Nursing
Ndola School of Nursing
Mufulira School of Nursing
Kitwe School of Nursing
Lusaka School of Nursing
Agape Nursing School Zambia
Dovecote Nursing School Zambia
Kabwe School of Nursing and Midwifery
Chitambo School of Nursing
Mukinge School of Nursing
Solwezi School of Nursing
Mwami School of Nursing
Chilonga School of Nursing
St. Luke’s School of Nursing
Defence School of Nursing
Chengelo College of Nursing
Copperbelt Nursing Polytechnic School of Nursing
Gateway to Better Living College of Nursing
Makeni College School of Nursing
Nkana College of Nursing
The Plains of Mamre School of Nursing College
Stalla Crown College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Chainama College of Health Sciences
Macha School of Nursing
St Francis School of Nursing and Midwifery
St Paulâs School of Nursing and Midwifery
Kalene School of Nursing
Agape College of Nursing
Mukuni Trust Nursing College
Nchanga School of Midwifery
Roan School of Midwifery

Read Also:  List of Universities in Zambia & Courses Offered (Public & Private)

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